
Showing posts from June, 2016

The Wise Patient's Cheat Sheet on Wisdom Teeth Removal

There's no way around it: the time has come for your wisdom teeth to be extracted.  According to the horror stories out there, you are in for nothing but non-stop agony, but you don't have to share the same fate! Being proactive and fully prepared for what happens during and after surgery can minimize the pain and help ensure a smooth recovery.  Make the experience easier  on yourself by following these expert tip and tricks. Read the procedure and recovery guidelines well in advance. Understanding what to expect at every stage of the process can help you plan and gather  items for  your recovery more efficiently.  Knowing potential complications that can arise such as Dry Sockets, a painful condition due to blood clot failure or Parasthesia,  a  numbness of the lip, chin and/or tongue- can also help you detect and address  serious problems immediately.  Be sure to raise any questions or concerns with...