Our First Quarter Newsletter 2014

The Laser Dental Group, P.C.
1205 Coolidge Avenue, Union, NJ, (908) 686-2080, laserdg@comcast.net
581 Westfield Avenue, Westfield, NJ, (908)232-2136, laserdgofwestfield@comcast.net

·         Dentistry is changing and much has happened since my last newsletter.
·         First, you may have noticed, both offices participate in many more dental plans. I feel it is the right thing to do for my patients since it has been very difficult for the past few years.
·         My Westfield office is nearly organized, which has been two years in the making, and still needs help.
·         Implementation of the new Dental software management system has been underway, and progress is being made fixing the glitches caused by the conversion in both offices. Celebrations will be in order when this tedious process is complete.
·         The transition to a paperless office has been underway, an arduous task made easier by my office manager Alex and front desk help from Barbara and Dora.
·         We have upgraded the digital x-ray system in Westfield, and they are superior in quality. The Union office is next.
·         Upgrades to the E4D CAD/CAM system are in the works.
·         Repairs to the Union office from the sewer back up are nearing completion.
·         Formal plans for a new and expanded office in Westfield have been submitted.
·         My 100 hour training program in dental implant surgery is complete.  It has been exhausting, and I hope it did not show much. I give my wonderful staff credit for making this all happen and to my associate, Dr. Ivy Hwang for giving me the motivation to complete the dental implant studies and putting up with my ups and downs.
·         The internet is the new format in which we will be sending our newsletters as we are progressing rapidly into the digital age of the 21st century.  I strongly urge you to provide viable email addresses, cell phones, and bookmark our website, www.TheLaserDentalGroup.com. Future newsletters will be provided on our website or our blog, www.thelaserdentalgroup.blogspot.com.  If you have a Facebook account, please connect to me that way.
·         I regret that Dr. Meghan Hernandez has left my office, but I congratulate her on the birth of her first child, a baby girl. Her presence will be sorely missed as we have all grown fond of her.  I will also be adding an associate to my Westfield office, Dr. Min Kwak .
·         I would like to go into more detail on each of the items listed above, but there is only so much you can write on a one page newsletter. Subsequent newsletters will go into more detail with what has been happening and enlighten you on the changes. I again urge you to connect to us via the internet in some fashion.
·         These changes allow us to become a better more efficient dental office, and make it easier to provide you with the best of service not only in the dental care that you receive, but for your entire dental experience. In closing, I thank you for allowing us to be your dental health professionals and I look forward to giving you the best that dentistry has to offer.


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