Use it or Lose It! Your Dental Insurance

It's that time again!   Every year thousands of dollars in dental insurance benefits is wasted, unused by patients.  If you are paying into a dental insurance plan and not making use of the plan the insurance company pockets those savings.   Here are some reasons using those benefits today saves you money.

1. Your deductible.  Every year most plans take a deductible, $25-$100 usually.  This is the dollar amount you must spend before the coverage “kicks in”.  If you have already had work done this year you would not have to pay it again, but wait just 1 day after the new year, and you will.
2. Your maximum.  99% of plans have a maximum they will pay out each year.  If you begin the year by using up your benefits, you have no benefits remaining for that emergency you may have later in the summer.
 3. Maximize your benefits If you are one of those patients whose treatment plan is larger than your maximum benefits, you may be able to use all your benefits this year, leaving only the balance for the following year.  Thereby getting $2000 worth of work with a $1000 maximum.
4. Price Increases  We now participate with most PPO insurance plans.  Every year we receive an updated, increased fee schedule.  We anticipate a 2-5% increase each year.  Doing your work this year keeps that money in your pocket.
5. Your premium.  You and your employer are paying into this insurance plan.  Why let the insurance company pocket that money?  Use the benefits you are allowed because you don't get to save them up.  At the end of your benefit year,  the insurance company will reset your benefits.  Anything you haven't used, you just lost!


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