Are DIY Dental Braces a Good Idea?

A lot of new orthodontic treatments are gaining popularity. You may have heard of  these Invisalign copycats which aim to avoid seeing the dentist at all.  Besides the dangers of "do-it-yourself" dentistry, we ask, why avoid the dentist?  Invisalign visits are among the easiest visits you'll ever have at the dentist.  As Dr Michael Saba of The Laser Dental Group states "When you arrive, you aren't in pain. You don't have to get numb, so no needle and no after-effects of the anesthesia.  Most times your visit is done in under 20 minutes.  And the end result is a beautiful smile! "Dr Saba is an Invisalign Certified Specialist who works in both the Union and Westfield offices. "So to sum up, the visits are quick, pain-free, non-invasive and have an excellent, completely supervised outcome.  What's not to love?  That's a visit to the dentist that anyone can get behind." 
Give our office a call for a consultation and we can see if you're a candidate for Invisalign.  If price is an issue there are several affordable solutions available. 



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